Woodwind Policy
Every music major must register for applied lessons each semester on the principal instrument while enrolled as a full-time undergraduate. All woodwind students enrolled in Music 127, 227, 327, 427 or 700 will take a jury in the semester they are enrolled. At its discretion, the woodwind faculty may excuse students from a jury by majority vote.
If a student does not play a jury, they will receive a final semester grade of “F.” Students unable to take a jury for medical reasons may present a doctor’s excuse acceptable to the woodwind faculty before the end of final exam week, and may be excused from performing. Excused students will be given an incomplete, which must be made up before mid-term of the next fall or spring semester.
The woodwind faculty will exercise its prerogative to raise, maintain or lower students’ current level at the jury examination. Jury levels will be assigned by a vote with each faculty member in attendance receiving one vote. The majority vote will decide the level. In the event of a tie vote, the students’ major teacher will have the tie-breaking vote. As a probationary warning to the student, a level may be lowered only after a student has failed to advance at the previous jury examination. A cap of one whole level will be the maximum any level may be lowered in a given semester.
A minimum of three professors from the area will be in attendance during the juries. The woodwind area is committed to having every faculty member in attendance; however, in instances of medical emergency or professional obligations, this may not be possible. Each professor will forward written comments to the student’s major teacher. The teacher will then distribute these comments to the students. A follow-up appointment with each individual student is the prerogative of the major teacher.
The Criteria for Judging Critical Levels
The repertoire performed at the jury will be determined in consultation with the applied teacher, and shall have the approval of the applied teacher. If the chosen repertoire calls for a pianist, a suitable pianist must perform with the student in the jury.
- BA-Level 7: Students should produce a sound characteristic of the instrument. Basic mastery of articulation, breath support and embouchure, are required with the student exhibiting proper posture. The music should be performed with rhythmic accuracy, with attention to phrasing and dynamics, basic skills in pitch and ensemble playing, and rudimentary use of vibrato (except clarinet).
- BM in Music Education-Level 7: In addition to the requirements listed above, students should exhibit a higher level of tone quality and musical expression, with well-shaped phrasing and musical nuance, and demonstrate mastery of all major and minor scales. Articulation, breath support, and embouchure should be well mastered. Flutists are expected to demonstrate mastery of double tonguing. Double reed instrumentalists must perform on their own hand-crafted reeds. Students should demonstrate a well-developed vibrato characteristic of the instrument (except clarinet).
- BM in Performance-Level 10: The award of a Level 10 indicates a proficiency on the instrument by which a performer could gain entry to a nationally recognized Master’s degree performance program in the United States. This includes a fluid technique, mastered articulations, and excellent control of dynamics and intonation even in the extreme registers of the instrument. Students must demonstrate musical maturity, artistic sensibility, and a well-developed tone.
- MM in Performance: Performance skills indicative of a professional level of competency are required. Students must exhibit mastery of literature from all styles and periods of music appropriate for the instrument.
- DMA in Performance: Students must demonstrate a level of performance necessary to gain an entry-level professional position in the United States.