Graduate Student Policies
The School of Music leases a photocopy machine for the purpose of providing services to the music faculty for university business purposes. Photocopy service for personal business, for students, and for the general public, is not provided. Violation of the Copyright Law is prohibited.
Students are expected to purchase their own music materials for study and performance. Students must establish ownership of at least one non-library, non-photocopied score/set of parts before the work in question may be performed for an applied music jury, an upper-level performance, or in a public recital. Students performing from photocopies of out-of-print, copyrighted material must receive the publisher’s permission.
Telephones provided by the School of Music are to be used by faculty and staff for university business only. Long distance calls by students or by the general public are prohibited.
Many ticketed School of Music events are now free to any WVU student presenting a valid WVU student ID!
All you need to do to take advantage of this new opportunity is to present your WVU student ID to the usher at a given event, then go in, choose your seat, and enjoy the music.
Academic Items
Students with keyboard skills often provide accompanying services to other students in studio contexts, at juries, and for recitals. Accompanists may be assigned (based on assistantship or instructional obligations); some accompanying time is subsidized by the School of Music; and some accompanying is negotiated between the students involved. The School of Music will ensure that voice studio needs are met, and, to the extent possible, some non-voice studio needs. Some recitals may be subsidized, in hardship cases. Non-required recitals will not be subsidized. Accompanying expense for most required recitals and associated rehearsals will have to be paid by the student, due to lack of School resources.
All graduate students are advised initially by the Director of Graduate Studies, subsequently by an assigned program advisor, and finally by the student’s committee.
Instrumental Rental
The School of Music maintains a limited inventory of band, orchestra, and other instruments in order to supply music students and participants in performing ensembles with certain instruments, and to provide instruments for music education methods classes. The Instrument Control Office, run by Tim Richards and his Graduate Assistant, is in room 237B. The hours will be posted on the door.
Some “special” instruments (such as English horn, D trumpet, and contrabassoon) may be borrowed at no charge through individual applied faculty. “Regular” instruments of professional quality may be rented through the Instrument Control Office with permission from applied faculty. It is recommended that students rent instruments for only one semester, since the WVU Undergraduate Catalog states that all music majors (except pianists) should own their own instruments. Student-quality instruments are rented in the following priority: (a) needs for pedagogy classes; (b) music majors, students playing secondary instruments, and hardship cases (at director’s discretion) may rent instruments for use in marching or pep band; (c) needs by students enrolled in the Community Music Program.
The rental of each instrument per semester is $15.00. Student enrolled in pedagogy classes which require more than one instrument during the semester may exchange related instruments for no additional fee. For instance, a trombone may be exchanged for another brass instrument, a clarinet for another woodwind instruments, and a violin for another string instrument. This exchange policy is not applicable to the rental of guitars.
Students who fail to return instruments in a timely manner will received first, a written reminder; second, notification of the suspension of University services (grades, transcripts withheld, etc.); and finally, notification that the police have been notified of their failure to return state property. Students will be billed for lost and unreasonably damaged instruments and accessories.
All full-time music majors are permitted to reserve up to one hour per day of weekly rehearsal time in a practice room on the basement level of the CAC. All piano majors may reserve up to two hours. All requests must be submitted through the online form and are subject to availability and confirmation of active major status.
Scheduling of practice rooms is done per semester.
Non-music majors and part-time students may seek approval from the School of Music office to reserve time in a practice room.
Practice rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis for all times not reserved through the Operations Office. This applies to non-majors, part-time students, and music majors wishing to utilize more than their reserved time.
All practice room usage is subject to restriction by building operating hours.
Reserve your practice room online
Probation and Dismissal for Academic Reasons
Students must meet or exceed the grade point average of 3.0. Students who do not meet the requirement will receive a letter of warning stating the terms of probation. If these terms are not met in the prescribed time, the student’s enrollment in the music program will be discontinued. For further clarification refer to the “Manual for Graduate Students in the School of Music…”
Probation and Dismissal for Performance Reasons
Graduate students pursuing a degree on an instrument or voice may be required to give a jury each semester. Please check with the faculty in your major area for their policy regarding juries.Students who do not meet the performance expectation of their area may be placed on probation and subject to dismissal.
Transfer of Credit
The School of Music will accept no more than six (6) appropriate graduate credits by transfer. (The School of Music accepts fewer transfer credits than the general University provision.) Transfer credit will be determined in consultation with the student’s graduate advisor and communicated to the College of Creative Arts Records Office.
Recitals and Performances
Please refer to the School of Music Student and Faculty Recitals Policies and Procedures page.
Recordings of Performances and Studio Sessions
Please refer to the WVU Sound Productions Recording Price Guide and Policy page
Music Library
The music library is housed WVU’s Evansdale Library, which is about a 10-minute walk from the Creative Arts Center. The collection in the Music Library (books, scores, recordings) is available to faculty, students, and the general public, subject to Library regulations. Questions about the music holdings may be directed toward Creative Arts Librarian Beth Royall at