World Music Pedagogy Daily Schedule
Monday - Day 1 June 26 |
Tuesday - Day 2 June 27 |
Wednesday - Day 3 June 28 |
Thursday - Day 4 June 29 |
Friday - Day 5 June 30 |
8:45am-9:00am |
Greetings |
Greetings |
Greetings |
Greetings |
Greetings |
Pathways to World Music Pedagogy (WMP) (Janet Robbins) |
WMP Teaching Dimensions (Juliana Cantarelli Vita) |
Access and Inclusion with Music Education (Katelyn Best) |
Connecting to Classrooms and Communities |
Project Sharing |
10:15am-10:30am |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Break |
10:30am-12:00pm |
Understanding Appalachian Music (Travis Stimeling with Mary Linscheid) |
Old Time Music (Emily Miller and Jesse Milnes) |
Creating World Music (Will Coppola/Virtual) |
Teaching Music Culturally: The Long and the Short of It. (Patricia Shehan Campbell/Virtual) |
One more Time: A reprise of selected music from the week. |
12:00pm-1:00pm |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
1:00pm-2:30pm |
Music of Ghana I (Mike Vercelli) |
Music of Ghana II (Mike Vercelli) |
Steel Pans of Trinidad (Chanler Bailey) |
Music of Mexilachia (Sophia Enriquez) |
Relfections and celebrations |
2:30pm-2:45pm |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Break |
2:45pm-4:15pm |
Songs & Drumming from Northern Ghana (Mike Cervelli & Katie Schramm) |
Taiko (Mike Vercelli) |
Rhythms of Northeast Brazil (Juliana Cantarelli Vita) |
In Search of Children’s Music Culture (Janet Robbins & Martina Vasil) |
4:15pm5-4:30pm |
Take-aways |
Take-aways |
Take-aways |
Take-aways |